Episode 86: How To Create, Organize, And Automate Your In-House Dental Practice Membership Plan With Jordon Comstock
June 21, 2017
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 86: How To Create, Organize, And Automate Your In-House Dental Practice Membership Plan With Jordon Comstock
According to recent statistics, 55% of American’s don’t have dental insurance. And if your practice is only serving the 45% of patients that do, you’re leaving a ton of money (and profit) on the table.
One way to serve those without insurance is to offer an in-house membership plan, but when done improperly, it can often be more of a headache than a plus.
Fortunately, there’s a method to the madness when it comes to in-house membership plans, which is why I’m excited to have today’s guest Jordon Comstock on the show. Jordon is the founder of BoomCloud a membership plan software that helps you focus on what matters.
If Jordon’s name sounds familiar, you may have heard Jordon and his partner Ben have me on the Navigating Dental Insurance podcast in which discussed dental insurance.
What I love about Jordon’s story is how he created a software based on his own needs, and in our conversation, we discuss in-house membership plans in depth.
Enjoy my episode with Jordon? You’ll LOVE his in-house membership plan ebook. Click here to check it out.
Here are a few things you’ll discover in today’s episode
- How Jordan got involved in the dental industry.
- The biggest problems most practices face who have in-house membership plans.
- Why Jordan’s love of technology and dentistry allowed him to create a product that dentists need.
- The many benefits of recurring revenue and why that should be a focus.
- What Jordon learned from developing and testing his software and how it applies to growing your own dental practice.
And much more.
This Episode Was Brought To You By…
As a CPA for dentists, I get a lot of questions about which banks offer both the best rates and service for current and future practice owners and I virtually always recommend Bank of America. As such, I’ve teamed up to with Bank of America because I believe they are the best at what they do and want to help you get the best dental loan possible.
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Full disclosure — If you move forward with this goes to help me continue making the Start Your Dental Practice podcast the best podcast and resource for dental practice owners.
Free Episode Bonus
A special thanks to Jordon for coming on the show.
Whether you already have an in-house membership plan or are considering adding one to your practice, knowing what mistakes to avoid can help save you both time and money.
As Jordan mentions, staying organized is one of the key factors in having a successful membership plan. Don’t be that person keeping everything in a google doc.
For a bonus today, Jordan has offered his free membership plan ebook which walks you through the dos and don’ts of membership plans.
Trust me, just by doing one or two of his suggestions will save you a ton of headaches in the future.
Also be sure to request a demo with Jordon and his team at BoomCloud if it’s something you might be interested in.

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