Start Your Dental Practice
January 6, 2016
Start Your Dental PracticeEp. 23 – How To Build A Highly Efficient Practice with Dr. Gina Dorfman
When chaos strikes in your dental practice, what happens? For most dentists, that means: - flustered assistants and hygienist - stress on you from having to tend to demand instead of working on growing your dental practice - And worse, frustrated patients who may never return
January 14, 2016
Start Your Dental PracticeEp. 24 – Lessons In Hiring (And Firing) Your First Hygienist
In the dental business you have the good: - Working with great patients - Having a thriving business - Building a team of incredible people
March 5, 2016
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 30 – Building Long Term Wealth In And Out Of Your Dental Practice with Dr. David Phelps
When you open your own practice, there are things you must commit to: - Long hours - Hard work - Sacrifice
April 23, 2016
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 36 – What Every Dentist Needs To Know (That You Won’t Learn In Dental School) with Dr. David Rice
Dental school will teach you how everything there is to know about oral hygiene: - Proper care of teeth - Correctly use of dental instruments - How to administer treatments
August 4, 2015
Start Your Dental PracticeStarting a Dental Practice
When I was working in public accounting I used to dream of starting a business.I devoured as much information as I could while honing my skills in the areas of taxation, accounting, and consulting.
August 4, 2015
Start Your Dental PracticeHow To Create A Path Towards Clinical Freedom with Jayme Amos – Ep. 1 – Start Your Own Practice
Tooth & Coin Podcast Ep. 1 - Jayme Amos host of the Dentistry’s Ideal Practices Podcast is demystifying the “how to start a dental practice” problem.
August 4, 2015
Start Your Dental PracticeHow Dr. David Maloely Used Intuition (and Marketing) To Create A Successful Dental Practice – Ep. 2 – Start Your Own Practice
Tooth & Coin Podcast Ep. 2 - Dr. Maloely, host of The Relentless Dentist Podcast, tells us how find a dental practice to take over or start a new one all together.
August 4, 2015
Start Your Dental PracticeHow To Avoid Losing $109,000 In Your Dental Practice with David Harris – Ep. 3 – Start Your Dental Practice
Tooth & Coin Podcast Ep. 3 - Our digital dental CPA firm explains how to avoid losing $109,000 in your dental practice with guest David Harris.
August 7, 2015
Start Your Dental PracticeHow To Build A Dental Practice Culture That Creates Patients For A Lifetime with Dr. David Moffet – Ep. 4 – Start Your Dental Practice with Jonathan VanHorn
What sets your practice apart from others? Your “brand”? Logo? Name? If that’s the case, those things don’t have an impact on what ultimately matters to the patient:
August 14, 2015
Start Your Dental PracticeHow To Spend Less Than 5% Of Your Time Managing Your Dental Practice
Tooth & Coin Podcast - Learn how real life practicing general dentist and the creator of Dental Maverick Dr. Tuan Pham spend less than 5% of his time managing his business.
September 4, 2015
Start Your Dental PracticeWhat you need for a successful website
When it comes to creating a website for your practice, it seems like everyone wants to tell you what you need…
September 11, 2015
Start Your Dental PracticeHow a New Dental Practice Owner can use Direct Mail to Attract Quality New Patients
I notice some trends when it comes to marketing practices out in the wild. And to be honest, I can immediately tell how well a practice is, or will be doing right when I see how they handle this one thing:
September 18, 2015
Start Your Dental PracticeHow A Solo Dental Practice Owner Can Beat Corporate Dentistry
Tooth & Coin Podcast - Trevor Maurer explains how Smile Source gives solo dental practice owners the benefits of a group practice while remaining fiercely independent.
September 25, 2015
Start Your Dental PracticeHow to Quickly Develop Patient Relationships as a New Dental Practice Owner
The biggest pain at the front desk of any dental practice is easy to notice, but hard to solve: The phone system. When you think about it, having a reliable method for your customers to call in to is essential – and the difference between having business and being booked solid.
October 2, 2015
Start Your Dental PracticeHow To Overcome Disasters When Starting Up A Dental Practice with Dr. Jarett Hulse – Ep. 12 – Start Your Dental Practice
If you have experience beyond starting your own dental practice, and have been in a practice for some time – then you know the struggles…
October 9, 2015
Start Your Dental PracticeThe Power of Decision Making In A Dental Practice – Ep. 13 – Pt. 2 w/ Jarett Hulse
In our last episode, Dr. Jarett Hulse joined us and went above and beyond to share his experience and road to becoming an owner of a dental practice.
October 30, 2015
Start Your Dental PracticeHow To Know What Metrics Determine A Successful Dental Practice
Do you know the numbers that matter in your dental practice? Today’s show is a clip from a past interview where I was featured on Howard Speaks with Howard Farran – the founder of Dental Town.
November 6, 2015
Start Your Dental PracticeCorruption. Leadership. And Personal Growth As A Dental Practice Owner – Episode 17
Today’s guest has seen it all. Marilee Sears comes from a “dental household” and watched her father run his dental practice as she grew up…
November 13, 2015
Start Your Dental PracticeThe $0 Down Startup Dental Practice with Dr. Howard Farran – Ep. 18
Tooth & Coin Podcast Ep. 18 - Learn how to to get your first dental office and ALL necessary equipment for $0 down with Dr. Howard Farran, founder of Dental Town.
November 23, 2015
Start Your Dental PracticeEp. 19 – How to Grow a Dental Practice to $5 Million a Year in Collections (And produce $15,000 a day)
Tooth & Coin Podcast Ep. 19 - Dr. Williams is in a group private practice and earns over $15,000 per day in the office. Learn his secrets!
December 2, 2015
Start Your Dental PracticeEp. 20 – What You Need To Consider When Hiring a CPA For Your Dental Practice
Tooth & Coin Podcast Ep. 20 - Getting your business finances in order shouldn’t be complicated. Here is what you need to know when hiring a CPA for your dental practice.
December 2, 2015
Start Your Dental PracticeEp 21 – The Four Pillars of a Successful Dental Practice with Curtis Marshall
Ever heard this? “Intelligence is your ability to adapt to change.” – Stephen Hawking It’s as true in life as it is in your dental practice…
December 24, 2015
Start Your Dental PracticeEp. 22 – How To Get 40+ New Patients Each Month With Reviews Online
There are many ways to get your website ranking higher in dentistry today. You’ve probably heard plenty of SEO strategies – even some that “break the rules”.
January 28, 2016
Start Your Dental PracticeEp. 25 – Lessons from the The Dental Attorney That Tells You What You Need to Hear (Even if it`s not what you want to hear) with Jason Patrick Wood
Tooth & Coin Podcast Ep. 25 - Jason Patrick Wood partner of the Law Firm of Wood & Delgado warns of way dentists get preyed upon and taken advantage of by others.
February 2, 2016
Start Your Dental PracticeEp. 26 – How To Hire The Best Talent For Your Dental Practice (Advice From a “Dental Titan”)
Tooth & Coin Podcast Ep. 26 - Sandy Pardue senior consultant at Classic Practice Resources discusses how to hire the best talent for your dental practice.
February 14, 2016
Start Your Dental PracticeEp. 27 – Leveling Up: From Six Figure Dental Practice to Seven Figure Powerhouse with Dr. Mark Costes
Tooth & Coin Podcast Ep. 27 - Find out how to level up your dental practice from six figures to seven with Dr. Mark Costes, founder of the Dental Success Summit.
February 19, 2016
Start Your Dental PracticeEp. 28 – How To Build A Culture In Your Dental Practice That Leads To Profit with Dr. Anissa Homes
Tooth & Coin Podcast Ep. 28 - Dr. Anissa Homes, founder of Jamaica Cosmetic Dental Services, explains how to build a culture in your dental practice that leads to profit.
February 26, 2016
Start Your Dental PracticeEp. 29 – The Ambitious Dentist Mastermind
Every day I talk to consultants and dentists who are very good at what they do. And every day I realize more and more that there are many out there, like yourself, who can get tremendous value out of these ideas.
March 11, 2016
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 31 – How To Market Your Dental Practice (The Smart Way) with Mark Dilatush
Having a successful dental practice comes down to one thing: Keeping your dental chair filled.
March 18, 2016
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 32 – Dental Practice Marketing Tactics That Work In The Modern Age with Jake Puhl
Dental equipment is constantly evolving, and your phone constantly rings with salespeople trying to get you to buy the latest technology. You don’t need all the latest bells and whistles to run a profitable business.
March 31, 2016
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 33 – The Three Steps To Growing Your Dental Practice
Most people will tell you that if you want to grow your dental practice, you need to get more patients. This might make sense at first. But while getting more patients is part of it, it shouldn’t be the priority.
April 16, 2016
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 35: How To Put Your Dental Startup On Auto-Pilot with Dr. Van De Vyver
As a dental practice owner, there are so many things you can be doing to grow your business…yet so little time. One of the beautiful things about technology is that you can put it to use even when you’re not working (or working on something else).
May 2, 2016
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 37 – The Best Accounting Software For A Dental Practice
Tooth & Coin Podcast Ep.37 - Our digital dental CPA firm explores the best accounting software for a dental practice.
May 20, 2016
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 38 – Bringing The Disney Experience To Your Dental Practice
I felt inspired to do this episode after a trip to Disney World with my family. It was the end of tax season, and probably the most appropriate time for us to disconnect from the business and have fun as a family.
May 31, 2016
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 39 – Marketing Insight From A Business, Dental Practice, And Franchise Owner
Owning a dental practice means you wear many hats (especially when you’re first getting started). As the owner, these are just some of the roles you play:
June 21, 2016
Start Your Dental PracticeWhat Very Few Dentists Know About Building Wealth with Reese Harper
There are many reasons people get into dentistry. Without a doubt, one of those reasons is the opportunity to make lots of money. But in order to make lots of money, there’s a cost to pay:
June 29, 2016
Start Your Dental PracticeCreating A Facebook Marketing Strategy That Works With Dr. Anissa Holmes
Tooth & Coin Podcast Ep. 42 - Dr. Anissa Holmes, founder of Delivering Wow, takes you though creating a Facebook marketing strategy for your dental practice that works.
July 7, 2016
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 43: What Dental School Won’t Teach You About Your Finances With Dr. Tom Larkin
Owning a dental practice gives you the opportunity to make lots of money. But just as dental school doesn’t teach you the business side of dentistry, it also leaves out the financial literacy aspect.
July 21, 2016
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 44: How To Get The Best Return On Your Marketing Dollars with Jeremy Reeves
Imagine for a moment that you’re standing in front of a future patient. But you’re not the only one there. You are joined by two other dentists who want the business just as much as you do.
August 24, 2016
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 46: Identifying The Trends That Make Money In Dental Practices
I’m excited to share with you my findings from an analysis of the financials of 25 separate dental practices. The main purpose of this study was to see if I could find any commonalities between practices that were profitable and successful at what they were doing.
August 31, 2016
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 47: Dental Practice Fundamentals 101 With Kerry Straine
Running a dental practice is hard. Every day you have thousands of things that are vying for your intention. And sometimes, in our desire to make things happen we neglect the the basics.
September 9, 2016
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 48: How To Start, Grow, & Maintain A Successful Dental Practice
Today’s show features a pioneer in dentistry and to dental podcasters. Dr. Alan Mead is the master behind Mead Family Dentistry and the widely known Dental Hacks Podcast.
September 16, 2016
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 49: Training Your Front Office Staff With Laura Hatch
The one thing that separates the just OK dental practice from the top performing dental practice — is a great front desk. Unfortunately, it’s not always easy to get this right. New employees come and go. Front desk training is often neglected. There are a million of other things needing your immediate attention.
September 22, 2016
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 50: Your Roadmap To Dental Practice Ownership With Dr. Richard Low
Tooth & Coin Podcast Ep. 50 - Dr. Richard Low, founder of SharedPractices, a roadmap from graduation to a success practice.
October 2, 2016
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 51: Website Essentials For Your Dental Practice with Mike Pedersen
It’s no secret that virtually every potential patient for your practice spends hours online searching for the “perfect dentist” before picking up the phone. Taking your website seriously can truly be the difference between struggling month to month or having your phones ring nonstop.
October 10, 2016
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 52: How Call Tracking Can Transform Your Practice With Matt Prados
Whenever I talk with a practice who is struggling to get where they want to be… The first thing we look at is how they answer their phones. It’s deceptively simple, but can often make all the difference in the world. Listening to your phone calls isn’t “sexy” but it can often give you tremendous insight on areas to improve.
October 24, 2016
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 54: Turning Stress Into Dental Success With Jen Butler
Is stress controlling your life? Chances are if you’re listening to this, you’re more than familiar with the stresses of everyday life. Student loans. Family obligations. Personal issues. Overcoming barriers with your practice. The list goes on and on.
November 7, 2016
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 56: The Big Game – Lifestyle And Dental Practice Success
We all have different reasons for wanting to start a dental practice. Maybe you’ve always had a passion for the dental industry. Or maybe you love making a difference in your patients lives. Or perhaps, you just love the challenge of building a thriving dental business.
November 14, 2016
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 57: Getting Paid: Mastering The Art of Accounts Receivable with Andy Cleveland
Cash. Is. Oxygen. In order to run a successful practice, not only do you have to provide exceptional service to your patients, you also have to master the art of collecting money. Here at Dentist Metrics, we talk all about marketing, branding, and getting the most from your staff… But at the end of the day, collecting on your accounts receivable is what keeps your doors open.
November 21, 2016
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 58: Recreating The Patient Experience with Dr. Cole Brenny
Time and time again, we talk about how important it is to execute if you want to run or grow a successful dental practice.Hard, smart work matters. But contrary to popular belief, you don’t have work 100 hour weeks to make things happen. In fact, in our experience, that will only lead you to burn out.
November 29, 2016
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 59: Giving Back – The Power of Community And Purpose With Trent McCord
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. I know, I’m still recovering from all the delicious food I had. In addition to spending time with family and friends, I hope you were able to pause for just a few moments and celebrate everything you have to be grateful for.
December 12, 2016
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 60: Choosing The Right Location For Your Dental Practice With Scott McDonald
Tooth & Coin Podcast Ep. 60 - Here is 3 step process to finding the perfect location for your practice from public speaker and ‘Dental Demographer’ Scott McDonald.
December 17, 2016
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 61: Why You Need A Strategic Plan With John Cotton
One of my favorite quotes by Benjamin Franklin is when he says “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” And yet.. Time and time again, when I talk with owners who are struggling to grow their practice, it almost always comes back to a lack of a proper plan.
January 2, 2017
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 63: Ground Marketing And Getting Patients In The Door With Michael Arias
Tooth & Coin Podcast Ep. 63 - Michael Arias founder of The Dental Marketer Site share his short “How Many Patients Should My Practice Be Attracting” quiz.
January 11, 2017
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 64: Voices of Dentistry with Dr. Alan Mead [Encore]
Note: This is an encore of SYDP episode 48 with Dr. Alan Mead updated with time sensitive information about the Voices of Dentistry event you won’t want to miss! If you want a weekend full of learning and connecting with the best of the best Voices of Dentistry is for you. We’ll be back to our regularly scheduled programming on Monday 1/16/2017 !
January 16, 2017
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 65: The State of Dental Marketing with Laura Maly and Michael Anderson
A strong marketing strategy is essential to get more patients in the door.You know that. But… unfortunately, with so many options out there, it’s so easy to feel overwhelmed and stuck. Maybe you can relate.
February 3, 2017
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 67: How To Buy A Dental Practice With Hunter Smith
Tooth & Coin Podcast Ep. 67 - Hunter Smith, owner of the Southern Dental Group, tells us how to navigate the turbulent waters of practice acquisition and build a thriving practice.
February 13, 2017
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 69: Delivering Wow In Your Dental Practice With Dr. Anissa Holmes
Tooth & Coin Podcast Ep. 69 - Dr. Anissa Holmes from Delivering Wow explains what “delivering wow” means to her, and how you can apply it to your own practice.
February 20, 2017
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 70: Tracking The Right Numbers Effectively With Kevin Rossen
The tools and software you use to run your practice can either help enable you get more done.. Or make life needlessly complicated. For dentists, it’s often the latter.
February 27, 2017
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 71: Disrupting The Dental World With Tiger Safarov
Dental. Supplies. No, I’m not trying to intentionally give you a headache or make your blood pressure immediately rise by mentioning those dreaded words.
March 6, 2017
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 72: How To Achieve Dental Success With Dr. Peter Boulden of BulletProof Dental
Everyone has their own reason for wanting to build a successful dental practice, and ultimately that reason is what keeps you pushing through, even when times get tough. Somedays you’ll be on top of the world, and others you’ll think about throwing in the towel.
March 13, 2017
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 73: Hiring, Culture, And Getting Things Done In Your Dental Practice With Ashlee Evans
As I’ve mentioned, on a few previous episodes of SYDP, I had the pleasure of speaking at and attending the Voices of Dentistry Podcast Event. It’s not often that I go to conferences that absolutely blow me away, but I can honestly say this was one of those times.
March 20, 2017
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 74: The Millennial Effect: How To Grow Your Dental Practice In A Millennial Focused World With Dr. Sullivan
You don’t need a dental CPA who runs a podcast to tell you that the world of dentistry is changing. And changing fast.New ways to market, constantly changing best practices, and an increasingly competitive landscape. And for the millennials who are just getting out of school, things can get a little overwhelming.
March 27, 2017
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 75: Crafting The Perfect Retirement Plan As A Dental Practice Owner with Tom Zgainer
As we say time and time again here at Start Your Dental Practice, building a successful practice is many years of hard work. And while there’s no shortage of tips and strategies to help take your practice to the next level.. There’s something that isn’t often talked about in the dental space.
April 3, 2017
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 76: How To Increase Your Recurring Revenue For Your Dental Practice With Dr. John Montoya
One of the hardest parts about running a dental practice is keeping a consistent revenue stream coming in month after month.Some months you might do great.. And the next month.. Not so much.
April 9, 2017
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 77: Dental Practice Marketing – The Power of Patient Reviews With Dr. Shawn Van De Vyver
As a dental practice owner trying to grow your business, you’re always on the lookout for new ways to get patients in the door. But let’s be honest, with so many options, it can be just a little bit overwhelming. I’ve even experienced this myself, with my business DentistMetrics.
April 26, 2017
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 79: How To Work Less While Still Growing Your Dental Practice With Justin Short
Tooth & Coin Podcast Ep. 79 - Successful dental practice owner Justin Short shares his tips on how to maximize productivity and break free from the never ending grind.
May 1, 2017
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 80: How To Invest In Your 401K The Right Way If You’re A Dental Practice Owner With Tom Zgainer Part II
It turns out, many dental practice owners need help getting their retirement plans in order, based on the incredible response we received from SYDP episode 75 with Tom Zgainer from America’s Best 401k. I received dozens of personal emails from SYDP listeners saying how informative the episode was and how it really helped them to start thinking about their future.
May 10, 2017
Start Your Dental PracticeThe 10 Most Downloaded Episodes of Start Your Dental Practice…
Since we launched the Start Your Dental Practice show just a few short years ago, the SYDP podcast has become way more than just a podcast… it has become a community of aspiring and experienced dental practice owners from all over the world. And I couldn’t be more grateful for all the connections that have been made over the years.
May 18, 2017
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 81: How to Grow a Dental Practice to Six Million a Year in Collections With Dr. Chris Phelps
Anyone can grow a successful practice with the right strategy, attitude, and a little bit of luck. I truly believe that. But being a dentist is about more than just padding your pockets. It’s about service. It’s about community. It’s about making a difference, while also building a life of financial freedom.
May 31, 2017
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 83: How To Transform Your Dental Practice Through Office Design With Cheryl Janis
There are many things that go into building a successful dental practice. Good marketing helps get patients in the door. A high-quality team makes sure things run smoothly.
June 7, 2017
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 84: How To Create A Family Friendly Dental Practice With Dr. Darold Opp
One of the best parts about running the Start Your Dental Practice podcast is all the interesting opportunities that it has created for me, both personally and professionally. I get emails and phone calls from listeners all the time sharing their successes, failures, and all the big things they want to accomplish. It’s such a great feeling and an incredible honor.
June 15, 2017
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 85: Mastering The Art of Dental Insurance, Negotiation, And Carrier Relationship Management With Harold Gornbein
As technology continues to transform the dental industry, the world of insurance and credentialing has become increasingly complex. As a result, dentists are spending more and more of their valuable time trying to figure things out.And if we’re being honest, most dentists don’t exactly get excited about dealing with insurance and properly codifying their services.
June 21, 2017
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 86: How To Create, Organize, And Automate Your In-House Dental Practice Membership Plan With Jordon Comstock
According to recent statistics, 55% of American’s don’t have dental insurance. And if your practice is only serving the 45% of patients that do, you’re leaving a ton of money (and profit) on the table. One way to serve those without insurance is to offer an in-house membership plan, but when done improperly, it can often be more of a headache than a plus.
June 27, 2017
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 87: How To Pay Off Your Dental Student Loans With Travis Hornsby
Chances are if you’re listening to this podcast, you have some dental student loan debt. Having worked exclusively with dentists for most of my professional career, it’s not common for me to see aspiring practice owners coming out of school with 400-500k in student loan debt, and that’s only for a dental license!
July 4, 2017
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 88: How To Negotiate Your Dental Practice Lease Like A Pro With Norman Gelfand
Tooth & Coin Podcast Ep. 88 - Norman Gelfand is an expert in commercial real estate discusses the 3 things he looks for in every dental practice lease.
July 19, 2017
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 90: Nifty Thrifty Dentists – Time Tested Strategies For Building A Successful Dental Practice
One of my favorite ways to stay “up to date” with the dental industry is to be active in a few high-value Facebook groups. And though “social media” often gets a bad rap for being a waste of time, I often find the discussions and comments highly valuable.When done correctly, Facebook groups help you stay on top of the latest trends and build meaningful connections with other dentists and professionals.
August 2, 2017
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 92: How To Choose The Right Consultant For Your Dental Practice With Kiera Dent
Tooth & Coin Podcast Ep. 92 - Dental consultation Kiera Dent tells us how to choose the right dental consultation for your practice that will help your practice grow, not hold you back.
August 9, 2017
Start Your Dental PracticeEp 93: How To Build A Top Performing Team For Your Dental Practice
Whether you’re just about to start your dental practice or looking to take your current practice to the next level, it all starts with building a good team. In dental school, you learned how to fill a cavity and spent thousands of hours studying dentistry… but I’m guessing you didn’t have to take a course on how to build a great team. Which is why I’m so excited to introduce today’s guest Alex Nottingham, CEO of All-Star Dental Academy.
August 17, 2017
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 94: Quality Patient Financing For Your Dental Practice
Ever run into this problem? A patient comes into your office with a major tooth ache. Within minutes you know they need a procedure done. Problem is… the procedure is a bit on the expensive side.
August 25, 2017
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 95: How To Increase Your Case Acceptance Through Intelligent Dental Intel
Hey Ambitious Dentists, I have a really exciting interview for you today, with the one and only Weston Lunsford, CEO of Dental Intel…Dental Intel is one of the most popular tools used by dentists to help track the metrics and numbers that matter, so you can focus on dentistry.
September 1, 2017
Start Your Dental PracticeHow To Improve Your Employee Training And Dental Practice Culture
As a dental practice owner, your time is your most valuable asset. And like me, I’m sure you have an endless list of books and podcasts you want to consume at any given time.And while there are tons of AMAZING resources out there, sometimes finding the right resource for what you need now can be a little tricky.