Episode 56: The Big Game – Lifestyle And Dental Practice Success
November 7, 2016
Start Your Dental PracticeEpisode 56: The Big Game – Lifestyle And Dental Practice Success
We all have different reasons for wanting to start a dental practice. Maybe you’ve always had a passion for the dental industry. Or maybe you love making a difference in your patients lives. Or perhaps, you just love the challenge of building a thriving dental business.
The truth is, whatever your reason, what you do matters.
But it’s sometimes easy to forget.
We get so caught up in the grind to build our practice that we let it run our lives.
And yet, I truly believe you can have both a successful practice and a lifestyle you love.
Which is why I’m so excited to share my conversation with today’s guest Ben Kacos.
Ben is a private practice dentist and a coach and consultant for the Dental Success Institute. He is also the founder of ExploreEducationCE, a unique continuing education program which mixes dental education with an outdoor sports twist.
He’s been fortunate enough to be mentored by some of the best in the business, and has some surprising insights on how to take your practice to the next level.
His unique story is something you won’t want to miss.
If you enjoyed my talk with Ben today, be sure to get access to a highlight reel from one of his most popular keynote speeches. Get that here.
Here are a few things you’ll discover in today’s episode:
- What to do with employees that aren’t “coachable”
- Why Ben, choose less money to learn more when starting starting his dentistry career.
- The mistakes Ben made when he acquired his first practice.
- How to overcome the “it costs too much” objection.
- How Ben, was able to acquire his second practice at a rapid pace.
- The power of “simple systems” and how they can reduce your stress and make you more profitable.
- The importance of “scaling the unscalable” when merging a practice.
- Why Ben became a dentist coach and what he’s learned.
- How to mix business and pleasure, and why Ben runs a duck hunt while teaching dental practice info.
- How to build relationships with other dentists in your town and location.
- Why you should avoid a “fee for service” practice when looking to buy.
- The importance of having a “clinical mentor”
- 3 Creative ways to build loyalty with your patients.
- How Fluoride can dramatically improve your practice.
Free Episode Bonus:
If you loved today’s episode, then you’re going to love Ben’s highlight reel from one of his most popular keynote speeches. His enthusiasm and passion for dentistry really shows.
To get the highlight reel for his speech, go to the link below now!

“Find a great clinical mentor… if you don’t understand the clinical side of things.. The business won’t work.” – Dr. Ben Kacos
- Ben’s personal email: bkacos@gmail.com
- ExploreEducationCE.com
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