How A Solo Dental Practice Owner Can Beat Corporate Dentistry
September 18, 2015
Start Your Dental PracticeHow A Solo Dental Practice Owner Can Beat Corporate Dentistry
There’s been a rising trend over the last few years of big corporate entities gobbling up almost every practice in town…
Leaving the few remaining dental practices to dry up without a big ad spend budget, awareness, access to a dental practice bank loan (unless you read our guide) and marketing strategies.
How can the “little man” survive??
I’ve always been a fan of the little guy, and honestly, I don’t really like the fact that these corporations come in and push everyone around.
That’s why I brought on today’s guest, Trevor Maurer from Smile Source, to share his efforts to take on corporate dentistry.
Click here to get today’s episode bonus: A FREE practice evaluation from Smile Source.
Smile Source gives solo dental practice owners the benefits of a group practice while remaining fiercely independent.
As the Smile Source site puts it:
We are a network of extraordinary dental care practitioners who strive to provide our patients with the best care available. We are also dedicated to preserving the elite business of independent dental care and providing highly personalized services delivered through a unique heritage of shared expertise.
Here are a few things you’ll discover in today’s episode:
- The surprising statistics that are changing are pushing the retirement age back and making dentistry competitive
- The HUGE financial and marketing benefits that come with group practices
- The legal dangers of oversharing with other local dentists (and the smart thing that Smile Source does to avoid repercussions)
- Why you should be saying “no” to certain patients
- What “cooperative advertise” is and the benefits of taking advantage of it
- Why mistakes are a part of business, and your responsibility as a business owner to handle them
Free Episode Bonus:
Trevor was gracious to offer a free evaluation for your practice.
To take advantage of his offer, click here or the image below.

Quotes – Click To Share On Twitter:
- “Big people push around little people.” – Trevor Maurer
- “The larger we are, and the more we act in unity, the more power we have.” – Trevor Maurer
- “Our mission is reinforcing independent dentistry.” – Trevor Maurer
- “When you’re collaborating, you’re going to make a lot less mistakes.” – Trevor Maurer
- “He who controls the patient, wins.” – Trevor Maurer
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